
Showing posts from December, 2023

Anti-Trans "Bathroom Bills"

 Let's try announcing a big anti-trans conference, including a prominent notice that there will be restrooms organized to ensure the safety and privacy of "biological women and biological men" (use the TERFs' own made-up terms to help sell the impression that this is actually being organized by TERFs). Then when they get there, everyone gets a flyer announcing that the conference is carrying out a "complete simulation" of the proposed legislation they're sending to the state legislature. A copy of the model bill will be included, explaining it will make it a legal mandate that all public accommodations create a tiny single-seat restroom for every building. Accompanying text explains that "after all, "one should be sufficient. Even a modest restaurant should be able to pay the rent on a port-a-can, after all." That will make the TERFs positively giddy. Only when they are actually inside the conference facility do they learn that the port-a-...